Month: October 2019


Providing water for all, to a growing population in developing countries; EMAS and SMART Centres are joining forces

The only way to provide water for all, to a growing population in developing countries, is to capacitate the same people to solve that problem. EMAS and SMART Centres have been training and guiding small-scale entrepreneurs in developing countries for many years. Trained entrepreneurs now supply affordable water technologies to communities and households in over...

Wednesday October 23rd, 2019Wednesday November 4th, 2020by

EMAS international course at Kolda

For a second time within 2019 we went back to Kolda, Senegal. In cooperation with  the spanish NGO AIDA an EMAS international training course was held for 15 trainees who came from Senegal, Guinea Bissau and Mali. As part of training 3 EMAS wells have been drilled (each 22 meters deep). Two of them for...

Thursday October 3rd, 2019Wednesday November 4th, 2020by