Hilabetea: October 2019


Providing water for all, to a growing population in developing countries; EMAS and SMART Centres are joining forces

The only way to provide water for all, to a growing population in developing countries, is to capacitate the same people to solve that problem. EMAS and SMART Centres have been training and guiding small-scale entrepreneurs in developing countries for many years. Trained entrepreneurs now supply affordable water technologies to communities and households in over...

2019 October 23, Wednesday2020 November 4, Wednesdayby

Curso International EMAS en Kolda, Senegal

Repetimos por segunda vez este año en Kolda, Senegal. En cooperación con la ONG AIDA, hemos realizado un curso internacional EMAS donde  han participado 15 alumnos  de Senegal, Guinea Bissau y Mali. Como parte del curso se han han perforado 3 pozos de 22 metros de profundidad cada uno. Dos de ellos para regadio mediante...

2019 October 3, Thursday2020 November 4, Wednesdayby